GCI now offers online currency option trading from the ICTS Forex trading platform. Buying options provides customers unlimited upside from movements in currencies with limited risk.
Just right click on the instrument rate (on either the SELL or BUY price), and select "Buy Option":
You will then see the "Buy Option" dialog box which allows you to specify the Strike, Expiry, Amount, and whether you wish to buy a Call or Put. You can also change the underlying instrument if you wish:
Closed Option positions can be viewed on your account statments by accessing "Windows" > "Reports". Open option transactions can be viewed from the "Option Window", which can be accessed from the "Options" tab at the top of your trading software:
You can sell your option at the current market at anytime, or let it expire. If it expires in-the-money, your account will be credited the corresponding amount. All option trades (Buying and selling to close) are executed automatically with no dealer intervention.
Submit the form below to practice options trading now!