You can send funds to any of the following WebMoney accounts to fund your GCI trading account. These deposits are manually credited the same day.
USD account: Z361361843272
EUR account: E511654450701
RUB account: R222729848009
Please note that when sending or withdrawing funds in RUB, the conversion to USD or EUR is done on the basis of the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the transfer minus 3%.
Be sure to indicate your GCI account number, or the word "new" if it is a new account, and your name in the "Description" field on the transfer to avoid any delays in allocating your funds. Deposits can be made by the GCI account holder only - third party transfers are not permitted.
For additional information on WebMoney see:
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Goods and services, offered by us as a Merchant are not provided on order or by request of a person or entity, running WebMoney Transfer System. We hereby act as an independent entity providing services and making independent decisions on pricing and offers. Entities, running WebMoney Transfer System do not receive any commission, interest fees or any other awards/refunds for the provided goods or services and are not liable for our activities.
Verification, performed by WebMoney Transfer System only confirms the accuracy of our contact details and proves our identity. Verification is performed by our own free will and doesn't mean or show our connection to the commercial activity of WebMoney Transfer System Operators.